Works with an air of assured sucess. Act is a mix of infancy and inebriety
female impersonator. presents healthy, buxom, American girls without swagger or smirk.
Mr. Filson does not handle his part with the skill of his wife.
“None of the finer details of the clothing of the act were looked after” “The part assigned Miss Jessie Charon fitted her nearly as badly as the gloves she wore” Nugent does not dress the part of a debonair clubman. He wears a bathrobe and white dress gloves and then a frock coat with wrinkled trousers. The typewriter which is mentioned is not easily visable.
“Dress Daintily.” Two were previous child Vaudville actors, a third, a girl was added to play cello.
“Bertie Bluffington has been having a night out and has met a lady whom he informs that he is a magician. She enlists his aid in the search of her husband” “The action of the sketch lies in his endeavors to hide the woman from his wife and a friend, who proves to be the long lost husband.”
“Her own leader conducts the music, the piano accompanist having been done aways with”