Mignani Family

Four men, ‘Musical Barbers.’ Quite a novel idea, each number received a big lot of applause. Responded to several encores. Fully capable of holding down a better place. Full stage, with a short encore in one, fifteen minutes, three shows.

Empire Comedy Four

This is one of those awfully lively slap-stick quartettes which as a rule don’t satisfy these audiences, but these fellows sing pretty well and sing a better grade of music than most of the others and for that reason seemed to hold the audience in good shape. With the show seventeen minutes late the audience wanted still more after having seen twenty minutes, in one, 2 shows.

The Village Choir

2 shows, 15 minutes in 1. Mixed quartet of vocalists, who make a specialty of the old ballads, which they sing fairly well. One of the women flats horribly, in her solo, but outside of that there is scarcely anything to be said in criticism of the act. Every selection was encored.

The Village Choir

In vocal selections. A straight singing act and a very good one composed of 4 people, 2 men and 2 women. Their numbers are mostly sentimental songs. They’ve got a good place on the bill and go very big. In fact any good singing act goes well in Cleveland. Time 18 minutes in one.

Metropolitan Quartette

12 mins. Prison in 2, close in one. Two men and two women, high class singing act. A very artistic offering that appeals to the better class of patrons.

Metropolitan Operatic Quartette

I don’t think that the individual voices in this Quartette Company are as good as some other big singing acts we have had, but in its entirety it is the most showy act of the lot. The concert work being especially strong. Can be rated as a feature anywhere. 14 min. open in 2, close in one, 2 shows.

Newsboys’ Quartette

These rough quartettes cannot be relied upon for much in this house. The coarse atmosphere which pervades the act is not appreciated by our audiences. Their comedy is decidedly forced, but in this case the singing is better than usual. If I didn’t need the time in one so badly and could place them earlier on the bill, they would be all right but they are hardly suited to the place I am obliged to give them, however it should be rated as a fairly good three a day act.

Basque Quartette

Lady and three men in vocal selections. The men are decidedly an improvement over the two of the ‘Grand Opera Trio’ but Miss Decker, of the latter organization more than made up the difference and on that account I consider this act not as strong as the ‘Grand Opera Trio,’ still it is a mighty good act and held its own in a very difficult position on the bill. 13 min in one, 2 shows.

Basque Quartette

Three men and some woman in a Swiss makeup evidently, and from the standpoint of audience is probably the best straight singing act that we have ever played. Personally, I don’t like it as well as the Grand Opera Trio, but it was evident this afternoon that the audience were with them from the start, for I don’t recollect that I have ever heard any more spontaneous applause in this house. It seemed to me that the woman is not quite as good as a singer as the woman with the Trip, but aside from that there is no question but that the act is just as good, of not better. There is no question but that it will make a big hit any where. 13 min in one.