Cooke & Clinton

Lady “Shootists”. They go very well indeed, and the act should be classes as good. 14 Min. Full Stage.

The Vivians

Man and woman. F.S. with abundant special apparatus. Time 16. Highly interesting and amusing exhibition of sharpshooting. They have numerous “stunts” which bring rounds of applause. A decided hit.

Frank McCrea

The World’s Greatest Rifle Shot, assisted by Roy Poole, the man with the iron nerve.  Well known act.  This act got big applause here last night, and it is the best act of its kind in the business.  Went big.   9 minutes, full stage.  Two shows.

McCrea & Poole

NR 3. Full stage, 13 minutes. Two young men, sharp shooters. One of the greatest exhibitions of short range marksmanship ever seen in this house. Not a bullet went wrong, and every shot strongly applauded, the audience never tiring of their shooting.

Henry and Albie Taylor

2 shows, 20 min, full stage. Man and woman, in a great exhibition of sharp shooting with rifle and pistol but the woman, and some very clever balancing of objects by the man. The woman is one of the best rifle and pistol shooters I have ever seen, and she was applauded throughout. The man’s balancing did not get much applause, but nevertheless, it was plain to see it created considerable wonderment. They have quite a handsome stage apparatus and it is very acceptable act in the novelty line. The woman responded to 3 curtain call at the finish this afternoon.

The Vivians

Sharpshooters. – Man and woman: Both do excellent work with guns and revolvers. – An act that went big and one that must be credited with making a most substantial hit.  Garden: 17 minutes.

McCrea and Poole

3 shows, 11 min. full stage. These men give an exhibition of expert rifle and pistol shooting, and are probably the cleverest we have ever played. One does not know which to admire most, the accuracy of the man who does most of the shooting or the nerve of the one who holds the articles to be shot at. It was moved up into a good place in the 2-show section and scored one of the hits of the show.

Henry & Alice Taylor

Sharp shooting act together with some good equilibrium work by the man. This is a very pretentious and good act, and has the advantage of being a novelty. The woman is a splendid trick shot, and got a lot of applause. Her shooting from the Balcony was also received well. Their paraphernalia is very handsome, and makes the act more than usually attractive. The act will undoubtedly be talked about judging from today’s audience. 17 minutes, full stage.

McCrea & Poole

McCrea is a sharpshooter. He has all others, Col. Bordeverry included, beaten to a frazzle. He shoots with remarkable precision and rapidity. It is truly a great act. 7 min. F.S.