John L. Sullivan

In Monologue—15 Min. in 1—Got a good reception, told a lot of bright stories that made them laugh, and closed with a recitation to four of five bows.

Leo Anger

“The German Soldier.” 15 minutes in One. Mr. Anger has some new material, and considerable of his old. Had them laughing throughout and scored a hit.

Fred Dupree

Well-known monologuist, who duplicated the success that he has been credited with in other houses. 20 Min. in One.

Joe Browning

Joe Browning, following, was the first, to reach with talk and made the most of it His monolog ran along smoothly flicking up laughs gradually and delivering the big comedy punches Just before he reached his odd little topical ditties and recitations. The final bit of verse with a “snapper” on the end pulled him through for a substantial hand.

Will Dillon

12 minutes in one. Rather a hard spot for this kind of an act, and as a matter of fact, Dillon’s material is not quite as good as he has had on previous occasions. But there can be no question about his being a favorite, and finished strong to-night.

Dave Manley

“The Politician.” His monologue was very funny throughout and created lots of laughter and applause; then he got serious and rendered a beautiful recitation which went over with tremendous applause – a great hit with the audience. 16 min in one.

Halles & Hunter

Young lady with a violin and young man whose work is principally of monologue nature and who has undoubtedly studied the methods of James J. Morton very carefully, but he has some very bright talk and gets many laughs. Good act. 15 minutes. In one.

Charles Case

The man who talks about his father. Did not appear. Tried to come from St. Louis, Mo. Nothing but an airship will allow an act to make that jump.

Fred Dupree

His stories and travesty seemed to please quite well. In one.

Frank Bush

Well-known story teller. Bush had an awful row to hoe, following cyclonic act of the 4 Mortons, but he did very well indeed. Some of his material is not as new as it should be but in the main, the stories are new and he was received with approval. 15 Min. in One.