The Four Fords

the boys wearing pink satin suits and the girls first appearing in long skirts. With the change the young women wear beautiful short dresses, a trifle longer than formerly.

The Two Pucks

The suggestion of the cherubic in their agreeable round faces amde friends instantly.

Bisset and Scott

Two youngsters who do a fast and skillful dance in clogs. The smaller one was particularily clever. The unison dancing was above average.

Leonoard Kane

Excellent wooden shoe dancer. Appears in white against a black drop.

The Princess Chinquilla

If she is a “Injun” princess she is very much Anglicized. Few race marks except for straight black hair. The stage setting is pretty and picturesque. Her Indian war dance is graceful.

Le Domino Rouge

Elaborate scenic and lighting effects. Full stage witha moorish scene. A masked dancer sleeping on on a dais. The dancer removes her mask and does three dances. one a waltz. The strage is half lit except for the spotlight.

Postal Telegraph Boys

Eight boys and one girl representing a telegraph office. The boys wear postal telegraph uniforms and the girls is the operator. The dancing finished received an encore.

Ben Omar

“The Human Top” The main thing he does is a whirling dance, which lasts too long. Has flags thrown at him while he whirls.