Seabury & Shaw

15 min. A very high-class dancing act, prettily staged and dressed. Six numbers splendidly executed, the man being an exceptionally clever eccentric stepper and in the closing position, the act went big.

Lloyd & Wells

9 min. A fairly good eccentric dancing due. They have a novel opening with a song, using a special drop and follow with some very good stepping. Finished to a good hand.

Handers & Milliss

Eccentric dancers and pianists. Made an excellent impression. Introduced single and duo dancing numbers, alternating with piano, each playing for the other. Very well received with strong finish. Palace in one. 7 minutes.

Frank Gordon & Rose Kinley

Novelty comedy and eccentric dancing act, some good acrobatic dancing at the finish went good, special drop in one. 8 minutes, went big.

Johnny Yeager

Eccentric dancer, makes 2 changes, dancing is very good. 10 minutes in one and went big.

McDevitt & Kelly

20 minutes in one.  Clever eccentric dancers. Woke things up in good shape.

McDevitt & Kelly

Ten minutes in one. A fairly good eccentric dancing act, holding this spot alright.

Lewis & Chapin

“The College Boy and Girl.” Eccentric dancing and talking act in 1. Conflicts in a degree with the opening act. Had hard work getting the audience this afternoon but went much better at night. Olio in 1. Time 16 min.