Irene Bordoni

Singing and piano accompaniment.
Irene Bordoni was last seen here with the late Melville Ellis and later in this city with the Hitchcock show so that the welcome given her and Lieutenant Gitz Rice was no more than expected. It is a nice combination, these two, the French songs and Frenchy style of Miss Bordoni, and the free-and-easy style of the soldier's in delivering his songs, mixing on rather happily. Miss Bordoni wears some stunning clothes and her way of singing her numbers is delightfully entertaining. Gitz Rice wisely retrains from referring to anything but humorous incidents of the trenches and everything they did met with hearty approval at the finish, they did the French anthem for an encore, and with the house standing it was a tremendous bit Miss Bordoni and Lieutenant Gitz Rice have brought to vaudeville a very pleasing act.
Variety, 54:13 (05/23/1919)