George Damerel and Co. (14).

“Ordered Home” 25 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Scenery). “Ordered Home” is a playlet of love and war. The scenes are laid in Malabang region on the Phillippines, which allow of picturesque and unusual scenic effects. Rudolph Berliner, director of the orchestra at the Palace, is the author is more ways than one, as he is set down as the maker of the book and also part composer of the music. Franklyn Underwood staged the piece. Raymond Barrett wrote the lyrics, and Raymond Midgley staged the musical numbers: so it appears that the offering has about as many authors as the average musical comedy. There are several pretty songs, and the presence of native Filipinos gives color and atmosphere. Darmerel is debonair, as of old, and sings his songs well. If anything, the act is slightly too long and needs speeding up a bit. Just as this time, when war and patriotism are topics of the world over, this little story of love and duty ought to please as it did last Monday afternoon.
Variety, Volume XXXVI, no.6, October 10, 1914