Felix and Caire

The act was twenty-five minutes long. Felix and Caire, former vaudeville child stars, finally have a new and novel act. Caire refuses to marry Felix because he does not have a “past”. The rest of the act involves Felix “traveling” to England, Paris, Germany, Russia, and back to the United States on a ship. In each country they both appear in native costume and do a song and dance. The last number is a Yankee song on the deck of the ship and the comedic talk revolves around seasickness. The duo finish by walking out through the audience and shaking hands as they go, as if everyone was there to welcome them home from their journey.
Felix works hard at his eccentric dancing (perhaps too hard, since he always seems to be out of breath). Amelia Caire looks pretty and particularly attractive in the Russian costume. She does however, seem to get flustered with the speed at which she is required to change costume. Since it is a delicate topic, the seasickness bit was in poor taste. That said, the act is fast and entertaining.
Variety 28:1 (06/09/1912)