Elizabeth Murray

Characterization for each song.
Singing and character songs.
"The 5.15" and "Things Are Getting Better Every Day."
"Things Are Getting Better Every Day" is a new number with a comedy "kick" that brought instantaneous applause while the balance of her routine held itself up nicely.
Elizabeth Murray returns to eastern vaudeville with her usual repertoire of character numbers and scored one of the evening's hits. Strange as it may seem, the best results were attained through the rendition of "The 5.15" in which Miss Murray's "souse" bit stood out as a strong reminder of her unique ability as a characteriste. When it comes to the delivery of a character song, Elizabeth Murray has few competitors worthy of contrasting recognition and as a vaudeville attraction, she stands in her own individual class.
Variety, 40:6 (10/08/1915)