Clifton Crawford

Mr. Crawford did an entertaining 18 minutes or so, starting with what the English might call a scene song, of a souse., talking about the morning- after. It consumed 12 minutes, contains many laughable points and was put over under the spot light only in Mr. Crawford's finished style. He followed with the sneezing number that he has largely improved upon since first doing it in vaudeville, but he hurt himself with the finish, a travesty on the lay of the golfer, explained by Mr. Crawford at the beginning. It turned out but a syncopated talk number with gestures, taken from the original Cohan idea of the talk and devoid of anything that Crawford should claim credit for. His song and dance on the poetry of motion or something like that was much more Crawfordish, and therefore more enjoyable. Mr. Crawford got the bit of the bill No. 4.
Variety, 54:10 (05/02/1919)