Berzac’s “Riding Academy”

The act was twenty-one minutes long on the full stage. In his new comedy act, Cliff Berzac used a “mechanic”, which is a pole that holds a horse-rider into place as they ride around the ring in a circus. Berzac acts as the “riding instructor” and uses this mechanic for comedy. He attaches supposedly inexperienced riders to the mechanic where an “unridable mule” proceeds to bounce them around. Cliff also rides a horse around barebacked.
"Every time the mule walked over to Jackson, the colored fellow in the act, and slyly kicked him, it brought a howl." With the addition of the "mechanic", this act will garner even more laughs than Berzac's first.
Berzac's act has been copied several times, but none are equal to the original.
Variety Vol. 25:8 (01/27/1912)