
"Morocco Bound", a two act piece staring Guy Bragdon and Albert Lang, written by Harry Ferguson. The entire "production" wss stsged by Chas Baker. Wilbur Dobbs is principal comedian. James Francis and Getrude Flake sing a duet. Alice Lloyd is billed as "The Little Nightingale."
There was a story, perhaps also relevant comedy until somebody removed it. The show ss reviewed on Sunday evening could not have been written. There are numerous idiotic situations of the unfunny, meaningless kind, and moot of the laughs were crested by the constant use of profane language and -suggestiveness. There is slapstick and rough house. The entire affair appeared as though an institution for the insane had exploded and all the inmates were enjoying a holiday.
Variety 13:8 (01/30/1909)