(10 mins.) A man and woman dancing team. Very steppers and their dancing brought them liberal applause. They also attempt some comedy talk of light quality.
(10 mins.) Did very well as an opener. The act is nicely staged and the man does some pretty clever contortion work.
17 min, F.S. Spec. Very good dancing act, the young lady being one of the best we have played. Held audience almost intact.
25 min, F.S. Spec. Same sketch as when last here, but did not go over any-where near as good.
18 min in 2 & 1. Miss Gould was given a nice reception and put her impersonations over finely, closed to a good hand.
20 min in “One.” This man has not played here for years, and evidently has not improved a great deal. Created little interest and forced two or three encores.
22 min in F.S. Spec. This comedy sketch went much better at the matinee then at the evening show. Did well however, and closed to a nice hand.
8 min, F.S. Clever head and hand balancing. Nice opener, closed to a good hand.
(10 mins.) Closed the show for us very satisfactorily with their clean-cut juggling. Have a good routine of showy stuff and present it very well.
(24 mins.) They were just as big a hit as over with about the same line of material. They have made a few changes in their stuff but very little and they managed to hold the next to closing spot in great shape.