Adelaide & Hughes

(21 mins.) The first appearance here of this wonderful and popular dancing pair in sometime and they were given a great welcome. It is possible one of the best dancing acts, from a variety standpoint, that this couple have ever given and they were big applause winners. They took several extra bows at the finish of their famous doll dance and they made a little speech.

Mullen & Francis

(13 mins.) A local act and a very good “nut” comedy number which we have not played for sometime. They got a lot of laughs with their nonsense and closed to a very good hand.

Charles Harrison & Dakin -Sylvia –

(20 mins.) A very good novelty, employing two men and a woman and it is entirely different from anything we have played. They handle some clever travesty bits and the man has a lot of good comedy talk that brought him big laughs. A burlesque musical finish brought them a very big hand.

Walter Daniels & Minna Walters

(15 mins.) This act is very much of the small time caliber. Daniels is simply playing up his old character change act with the assistance of a girl. At its best it is only fair.

Lucas & Inez

(17 min.) One of the best openers we have had for sometime. The act of the man and woman is a high class hand-balancing turn and with the assistance of a little child it is turned into a corking good comedy and surprise finish.

Princess Radjah

11 min, F.S. Spec. Well known dancer held the house remarkably well and closed to a good hand.

Jack Donahue

23 min, in “One.” Certainly a tough spot on this bill as every comedy act was a hit. Held it finely and went over very big.

Yorke & King

14 min, in “One.” In better voice then ever, and a big hit as usual.

Barrett & Farum

12 min, in “One.” Talking and very good dancing, went over big.

Bib & Tip

Min, in “One” Spec. Trained dog act. Made a fire opener.