Demarest and Doll
Princess Kalma
O’Rourke and Killion
Richard Warner
Regan and Bender
Two ropes with
loops are let down from the flies, making
it look harder than if they were the
conventional rings. The bearer hangs
by his feet for the first trick, which is the flier doing a half somersault from
the stage, catching the other’s feet
with his hands. The house liked this
and vigorously applauded, but when the
boy below, after one above had reversed
his position, caught the bearer’s
feet with his feet, through the same
half somersault, the house just about
went wild for a minute.
Houdlnl Is doing his water-torture cell trick
again this season, but haa elaborated on It
by placing outside hands around the box. It’s
a great trick and made better by the, splendid
Emma Carus
Emma Carus is back with
another new partner, this time Larry Comer,
a big fellow who can sing and carry along
his part of the comedy with Miss Cams, but
the dancing no longer stands out as before.