Helen & Rice

Man and woman in one special drop. Comedy skit called eggs. This offering is a little different from the rest bright talk all about eggs a little singing and a very good immatation [sic] by a woman of a musical instrument. Went good.

Christmas Eve in Moscow

Four women five men and a musical director. Work in special set very pretty 11 min. Singing and Russion [sic] dances. A good offering for its kind. Went well matnee [sic] went fair at night.

De Pace Sextette

Opera singers and instrumentalists. They do some very fine work on the mandolin which brought forth great applause. Their singing received the same. Carry their own drop which represents a scene in Venice which showed up pretty when lit up. Dressed in Neapolitan costumes. 20 min. full stage. Went very big.

Tom Smith and Ralph Austin

15 minutes. Open in two, special drop. Go to garden in 3. Close olio drop in one. The opening and closing are very short, and the act is practically a full stage turn. Singing, dancing, comedy and clowning, a la Morton & Moore. A good comedy act of the kind that got the laughs and went over first-rate in this spot. The two comedians are assisted by a young lady, who sings two solos.

Robert T. Haines and Co.

In “Enter – A Stranger.” 18 minutes f.s. Dark interior. Dramatic playlet of the eternal triangle, -husband, wife and lover, with a new twist to introduce a fourth character, played by Mr. Haines. The piece is well played, has a touch of comedy to relieve it at the finish, and held the interest every minute. Closed strong.

Van and Belle

Bomerang [sic] Throwers. 8 minutes f.s. Special set. These people have a good novelty, with a little comedy, which gets over first-rate. Monday afternoon the woman sang a ballad at the opening, which was eliminated Monday night. She has not the voice to put it over in a big-time house. When they get down to the boomerangs, however, the act moves right along, and held the interest every minute

Frankie Heath

15 minutes in one. Olio drop. The show fell 25 minutes short Monday afternoon, and as we had three dumb acts in succession, Miss Heath was brought in Monday night to strengthen the show and fill out the time. She sang five numbers, and put over the first real hit of the show. Is full of life and ginger, and woke things up in great shape.

“America First”

35 min. This big musical and military spectacle proved one of the biggest applause winners we have had in a long time. The instrumental and vocal numbers went over with splendid results and the patriotic finish. Had the house in an uproar of applause. This is a real appeal to patriotism and a stage picture that vaudeville can boast and it was great hit here.

Hirschel Hendler

13 min. This young fellow has a novel idea for his piano act. All the numbers are descriptive and introduced with talk, touching on comedy enough to get some laughs. One dramatic number on the European war was a big hit and he closed strong with a medley, which won him several extra bows and a short speech.

George Kelly & Co.

24 min. “Finders – Keepers.” This is a very cleverly written one-act play and Mr. Kelly, the author has furnished himself with a very pleasing sketch for vaudeville. The theme is unusual and blends comedy and dramatic lines with excellent effect. It is very well played by the three persons employed and earned several bows.