Clara Inge

The act is fifteen minutes long. Ms. Inge sings published numbers. She wears three different costumes, including a boys outfit of overalls, and a pink gown topped off with a “girlish” leghorn hat.

Kichi Asaki

Kichi Asaki, “the skating Jap” juggles sticks and spins the top on rollers.

Burley and Burley

The act was twelve minutes long. One of the men is dressed as “English Johnny”, a character “well known to the English Vaudeville stage”. The comedian does a “slouchy “Scot”. The acrobatic work is “contortional”.


Alfredo plays the fiddle. He has a slouchy way of “wielding the resigned bow”.

Romano and Brigilo

The act was sixteen minutes long. Two men dressed as Italian street musicians carry inconsequential conversation as an introduction. They open with a duet. The violinist goes off while his partner plays a solo on the harp. The two also play “The Angel’s Serenade” as a duet. After, the violinist solo. The finale is a melody with good rag selections.

May West

May West sang “Good Night Nurse” and “Everybody’s Ragging it Now”.

Four Dancing Belles

The act was eleven minutes long. The Four Dancing Belles have a mixed American and European appearance. The girls are good looking and animated. The dressing is bright and fresh looking, running a bit to the burlesque idea. The dancing is of the simple sort.

Laddie Cliff

Cliff’s dancing brought the desired results. use of “I Was There With My Camera”

McKay and Cantwell

McKay and Cantwell were assisted by “Baldy” (Crawford Pine). They opened with “Everybody is Acting on Broadway”.