Red Fox

Red Fox performs many acts. In addition to juggling he performs music and ventriloquy. He “exhibits his abilities astride a slack wire.” His ventriloquy dummy is strapped to his back.

Makarenka Duo

The man “has a nice voice and makes a nice appearance in his Russian Cossack uniform.”

Harry Fox

Mr. Fox sang three songs, two of which were new. Jean Schwartz played the instrument.

Lousie Dresser and Sam Mann

They “gave the ‘table scene,’ concluding the turn which Miss Dresser singing ‘My Heavenly Man.'”

Mr. De Loris

Mr. de Loris shoots away “the costume of a good-looking young woman who appears neatly dressed in a short, keen-length skirt”. His last shot “hits the trigger of a stationery rifle which fires a bullet smashing a white ball just above his own head”.