Miss Eis dances the “classic bunk” style. She wears sandals and a pair of trunks.
“The girls have taken to singing.” They sang two songs.
Harry sang without a pianist. He tried to leave after two songs, but “they called him back for the recitation.”
The act was entitled “A Morning in Hicksville”. It had many surprises and contained many mechanical novelties. “Reynard runs the act smoothly and quickly without a break.”
There routine was fast. Miss Harris did a solo dance, and the couple did a two-step.
They juggle while on a wire. They don’t have a feature trick, and simply move from one trick to the next.
Montgomery has a “swift succession of trick material in the act which sustains the interest without flagging.”
The act was called “Hoodoo” and it contained a few changes from its previous versions.