The sketch consists of “Arabs escorting their chief across the desert.” A princess is captured and dances to secure her escape.
The act was fourteen minutes long. Ms> Trix opens with “I Don’t Care What Becomes of Me”. She sings a Chinese song while dancing Mongolian steps. Dressed as a male she sings a song and whistles. She finishes with a pianolog in an evening gown.
The act was sixteen minutes long. Miss Berkin plays violin dressed as a cowgirl wearing a white sombrero. She had heavy facial makeup. She also performs a few trot steps when playing.
The act was nine minutes long. The man and girl open with a duet and then a dance. Ms. McLaughlin wears a short skirt. she later changes into an Indian dress. The couple perform original acrobatic steps.
The act was twelve minutes long. The Sisters wear a Parisian shaped cap. They are tall girls.
The act was fourteen minutes long. She was assisted by a conductor and an orchestral accompaniment consisting if a piano and violins.
Their act presented the exterior of a restaurant, on which were placed a number of signs which kept the audience in laughter for three minutes before the couple appeared.