The Stewart Sisters and Escorts
Tim McMahon and Edythe Chappelle
Anna Buckley
Grace Wilson
Lina Pantzer
Grant Gardener
The act was fifteen minutes long. He appears in blackface. His finish saw him play the cornet and hand bells.
Mephisto’s Cabaret
The act was twenty-four minutes long. A lady-devil dressed in a pink-winged bat costume brings Mephisto to visit Hates. There is a four-dance, a duo dance, and a dance in which the girls put their legs through the black back drop and perform a leg dance.
Mack and Atkinson
The act was twelve minutes long. They opened with a duet, and then the man did a comedy number.
C.H. O’Donnell and Co.
The act entitled “Flashlight Cragin” was sixteen minutes long. The play begins in a kitchen set. A mother worries if her son was involved in a shooting at a cafe.