Four Amazonian women in evening gowns. Their fans are grips for tooth-holds attached to rigging over center-stage. Once in the air, they strip to tights and perform their aerial stunts.
The tragedy is performed before a backdrop of a “willow plate pattern of Chinese origin”, and its blue and white colors stand out effectively on the stage.
He does a “screamingly funny burlesque of a tango”.
“He wears a flowered coat with flappy sleeves and his eyebrows point northeast and northwest like Frank Daniels'”.
In her opening number, she is dressed in a rubber coat and hat.
Her songs are accompanied by eccentric dancing and costumes, such as a skirt that makes dancing comically-difficult.
Good effects made with the lights.
The dancers do all of the latest steps, as well as a number of old ones.
“The girl’s voice is sweet, but rather thin”.