15 minutes f.s. By cutting out his talk in one he closed good to-night while this afternoon was rather quiet. The novelty of the act and the size of the kid got the people and I consider it good value.
23 minutes f.s. special set. A protean act that holds the interest, although the story is disconnected and hard to follow. The audience, however, was interested in the changes and with the beautiful stage setting holds the spot very well.
10 minutes in one. This is a pretty good with lots of changes. This is rather a bad spot for it, although it went very well.
7 minutes f.s. A crackerjack opening act. In fact, too good to open. Gave the show a great start.
Comedy juggling act. Not just the thing to close a first class bill, but on account of the large salary of the 4 Mortons, I decided to cheat a little. The Wheelers got by all right. Held the audience, got some applause and laughter. 10 Min. F.S.
Well-known story teller. Bush had an awful row to hoe, following cyclonic act of the 4 Mortons, but he did very well indeed. Some of his material is not as new as it should be but in the main, the stories are new and he was received with approval. 15 Min. in One.
To say that the Mortons were a riot would be expressing it very mildly. I don’t know when an act has gone with such a furore as they did today. From their first entrance until their final exit the audience were either laughing or applauding. I think it is unquestionably the best real variety act in the business. I shall be greatly disappointed if they don’t pull a great week’s business for us. 28 Min. Open in One. Close F.S.
This is one of the acts that made good, in fact made quite a hit. Three boys in a lot of comedy singing, club swinging, etc., all in college atmosphere. Something out of the ordinary and met with most marked approval. 21 Min. Open in Two, close in One.
Well-known comedian, who held the stage for 12 Min. in One.
In a sketch called “The Iceman.” It is said that this is taken from Danish. I think if it was played in Danish still it would be just as effective, as the lines mean very little to the act. It is rather a slap-sick sort of a thing and manages to make people laugh to some extent. All right to play once in an earl spot. 16 Min. F.S.