Nate Leipzig is a “card palmer” who has made a trip around the world before returning to vaudeville. He opens with a “little trick with red finger tips” that amazes the crowd. He then performed a number of cards tricks.
This comedic sketch entitled “A Regular Business Man” was twenty minutes long.
Douglas Fairbanks, in his first vaudeville show, plays a young lawyer who is engaged to his “pretty stenographer” played by Jean Murdoch. She is about to leave him because of his neglect of her and the business. He eventually secures a wealthy client and $50 000 owed to him by his uncle.
This musical comedy entitled “The Producer” was fifty-eight minutes long on the full stage.
“The sketch is described as a one-act spectacular farce in three scenes.” The scenes include a reception room, a stage door, and a rehearsal.
The act was ten minutes long on the full stage.
A Russian troupe sings and does “Russian and whirlwind dancing” complete with cartwheels and somersaults. The troupe is made up of husky men and comely women.
This sketch entitled “A Chip of the Old Block” was twenty-one minutes long.
Thos. A. Wise plays an elderly comedian who once aspired to be a great dramatic actor and lives alone. His son, played by W.H. St. James, is a comedian too and visits his father with his son and wife in tow. They help fix up the old man’s place and there is a “quiet pathetic finale that is somewhat touching.”
The act was nine minutes long.
Adeline Francis calls herself “The Graphophone Girl” and performs with the help of her phonograph which she calls “sister.” Before she begins, she notes that the records she will play were made by recording herself in different voices. Miss Francis then begins a conversation “with” the machine, which is perfectly timed. She also sings.
This “School Act” was twenty-seven minutes long.
The Marx brothers are a group of seven from the West. There are four comedians among them. One plays the school teacher as “Dutch”, one is a “Patsy Bolivar”, another a Hebrew and the last a “Cissy.” The Patsy boy is a natural comedian and a talented harpist. The “Cissy” sings in baritone but speaks with a high falsetto. There are girls in the act, but only serve in small supporting roles.
The act was twenty-two minutes long.
Carter and Waters are a male and female team who perform monologues and sing one song. The woman opens with a monologue (“lambasting men to a frazzle”) in a travestied suffragette costume. A man then walks across the stage with a baby carriage and gives his won version of the suffragette talk. During the song, the man uses a wooden table as a piano.
This pantomime dance act was ten minutes long.
An artist painting a picture falls asleep and the painting comes to life. The woman “does some good toe dancing and poor pantomime.”
The act was sixteen minutes long.
The Donellys present a sketch with laughable events. Mr. Donelly is a capable Irish comedian and Mrs. Donelly is a good “feeder.”