9 women, 5 men. Time 26. Open F.S. special, to 1, close F.S. also special. The act is beautifully costumed and elaborately staged. As might be expected of a Lovenberg act, the soloists are all excellent, and the ensemble highly effective winning prolonged applause. Henriette Keyes and Henri Santrey have truly remarkable voices. The selections are from Grand Opera and the better grade of musical comedies. The finale during which paper ribbons are thrown into the audience in keeping with Venetian carnival illusion, is effective, novel and held the audience to the last. Applause generous throughout.
In 1. Time 12. Dialect songs. Mr Pettengill is a local amateur who belongs to the Hermit Club. His dialect songs are good and his closing with an imitation in costume of Eva Tanguay was a riot. His personal popularity about town went far in his success.
Man, woman, young woman, 2 boys. Time 20. C.D.F. Presenting “The Suit Case”, by Searl Allen. The sketch is the best yet by Allen. It is a neat farce, well complicated and cleverly worked out. It seems a little too long, but is genuinely novel. After the sketch the family indulges in dancingfest, the two boys doing clever work.
4 women, 2 men. Time 10. Special F.S. This excellent instrumental act is just 365 days better than last year. Score tremendous hit.
C.D.F. Time 16. La Triska as a “mechanical doll” is very clever and could scarcely be improved upon. She won frequent bursts of applause. Horton carries her out to the audience fo [sic] “examination” and gets screams of laughter.
In 1. Time 10. Sings with pleasing voice several songs and tells a few college-y jokes. Gets by in this spor [sic] in good shape.
On at 3:04, 3 minutes full stage. This dance was put on in response to numerous inquiries from those who saw her when she first appeared here and we did not expect much of it, especially as Miss Kellermann’s foot was so sore yesterday that she could not do much rehearsing. This afternoon, however, she was in better shape and danced better than ever did here while the mirror effects were really worth while. It made a much better number than we had expected.
On at 2:46, 18 minutes in 2. These girls have improved their act wonderfully since they last appeared here and Miss Nelson has advanced so much that it can hardly be said that Miss Otto’s piano playing is now the feature it formerly was. It is a very good act and holds the spot in first rate shape.
On at 2:37, 9 minutes full stage. This novelty went very big here this afternoon, in fact, should prove a good feature for the week. The men work quickly, the posing is good, and the wrestling finish is full of life and surprises, which catch the audience. The finish here this afternoon was very big. This act could be a feature of almost any bill. Opens with about a half minute in 1.
On at 2:22, 15 minutes full stage. Very good comedy sketch of the boisterous type, and all right for this place, although it does not begin to be the riot that might be imagined from some of the reports made on it. It does not hang together in places.