Selka Braatz

In 2 garden. Assisted by older woman who does a little soap bubble juggling. Miss Braatz does the conventional line of work with hats, billiard balls and cues, and rubber balls, all well done. She finishes in the dark juggling torches with pretty effect and closes to big applause.

Clara Belle Jerome & Co.

9 women. 1 man. Time 21. Special exterior in 4. Presenting “Joyland”. This well known musical comedy tabloid is considerable improved, but retains many of the old, good features. It is going equally well as it did the first time when it proved a distinctive hit. First clean throughout.

Scott & Wilson

Time 8. 2 men. In 1. Acrobats. The act opens with one man appearing announcing that the act cannot appear. The partner, a rube seated in a box, begins to call the one on the stage down. Then follows a good line of comedy interchange that wins frequent laughter. The “rube” goes on stage and the two offer some fast flipflops somewhat original.


In 1. Time 11. Men dressed as woman doing ventriloquial work. Technically the work is good, but the act lacks action and variety, Thora working with only one “dummy”, seated at the table throughout.

Hastings & Wilson

2 men. Time 13. Special exterior in 3. Excellent eccentric dancing and grotesque acrobatics. Several startling twists and turns. Very good act.


“The Motor Races.” The best series of pictures of a timely subject that Lubin ever took. Of course, being a local race, it goes much stronger than it otherwise would. However, would be interesting anywhere on account of its national importance and the exciting finish.

Murphy, Nichols & Co.

“The School for Acting.” 26 min. F.S. Same act as presented here before, and just as big a scream. Two new people in the act and both good. Murphy funnier than ever. Laughs all the way through and a big finish. Makes a good closer.

Lovenberg’s “Operatic Festival”

28 min. F.S., close in one. This is the best operatic combination that we have ever had. The voices are admirably trained and every selection was given with dramatic intensity and musical precision. The costuming and stage setting are both very effective and every number received a big hand. This is a strong musical town, and for that reason I think the act will draw money. The close with the gondola scene and the finish in one, with the confetti throwing into the audience, won big applause.

James Harrigan

21 min. in one. Very funny line of talk, although a little too inclined to bid for applause. Laughter throughout, and a big close. The juggling part of the act only serves as an excuse.

“Princess Rajah”

14 min. F.S. This is a great act and no mistake. The way Rajah presented it this afternoon there could not be the slightest objection to it. On the contrary, it is one of the most artistic and original acts of this kind ever seen here, and the music and stage setting leave nothing to be desired to make it finished and effective. The tragic finish to the first part of the act got a rousing hand, and the dance with the heavy chair in her teeth scored big. Think Rajah will draw well, particularly as there can be no objections to the entire feature as given today.