These people opened rather slowly and at first I was inclined to believe that we had them too much, but they finished in great shape. I believe, though, that it would be advisable to give them a rest for a couple seasons. 14 min. in one.
Equilibrist. This is a corking good act that made a decided hit this afternoon as it did last season. 10 min. F.S.
Character songs. All right for the amount of money paid but would not want to recommend her for the big time. 13 min. in one.
In “The Soap Peddler”. A rural sketch by two men which at best can only be rated as fair. 17 min. in 1 1/2.
On at 3:55, 18 minutes in 1, one of the best black face turns we have played in a long time. Held down the spot in good shape and with an audience that was evidently waiting to see Kellerman.
On at 2:50, 15 minutes full stage. Although this is rather early for this act it held the audience from the start and got a big hand at the finish. One of the best dramatic sketches we have played.
On at 2:31, 19 minutes full stage, close in 1. Barnes cut out all his blue stuff and made a rather slow opening, but towards the end he caught the audience in good shape and finished strong
On at 2:00, 12 minutes full stage. While the comedian of this act has some very good stunts on the unicycle, the act as a whole is a bit slow and this afternoon did not raise any great amount of enthusiasm.
Time 16. 3 men, 1 woman. In 3 spec. “Hogan in Society.” A thread of a plot about which Mr Leslie hangs a flow of really funny slang. He had the audience roaring from start to finish with some great slang lines. Support good.
1st part. Time 17. In 1. Male assistant. In this part Mrs Fay does olf [sic] cabinet tricks of the spiritualistic order. Only a mild success with this.
2nd part. F.S. special interior. Time 30. Mrs Fay answers questions written down by the audience, and she is apparently working by some new method. She gave over fifty answers at the Monday matinee and was a huge success. Her constant flow of humor helps out greatly.