Bessie Valdare Troupe

One woman and five girls with a moderately good bicycle act. Nothing startling in any of their work but none of it is really bad. They got by with a moderate degree of success. Finished fairly strong. Garden in 5, 13 minutes.

A. O. Duncan

This well known ventriloquist, as usual held the spot fairly well and scored a moderate success. 21 minutes, C.D.F. finish in 1.

Banks & Breazeale

Two girls who play a number of instruments and play them very well. All of their selections are delivered in musicianly [sic] style and the made quite a favorable impression. A very pretty act and almost too dainty and pretty to open the show. They held the place very well and wore perfectly satisfactory. 10 minutes, C.D.F. in 3.

Louis Simon & Co.

Presenting their familiar sketch, “The New Coachman”, which, while got a great many laughs, and is quite satisfactory, did not go with the wild shrieks that it has on previous visits. I think it has been seen too many times. 34 min. F.S.

Lyons & Yosco

Harp, cello and mandolin playing and singing, with a little comedy touch. The decided hit of the bill. An act that will draw money. 20 min. in one.

Robert DeMont Trio

Comedy acrobatic act, “Hotel Turnover”, among the best we ever played in the house. Could easily hold the closing position. 9 min. F.S.

Lew Hawkins

Mr. Hawkins dug down deep for a lot of the jokes that he is telling, many of them being so old that they were new to this generation. However, the older they were the better they went and inasmuch as Mr. Hawkins scored a hit I have no cause for complaint. 17 min. in one.

Robert S. Kegerreis & Co.

In Edgar Allen Poe’s “A Tell Tale Heart”. This is a well-written playlet and exceptionally well acted by Mr. Kegerreis and was received with considerable interest and strong applause at the finish. However, I am under the impression that it is not a good vaudeville proposition, being entirely too intense. I do not object to serious sketches, but this one goes to the extreme. 21 min. F.S.

Suzanne Roeamora

A very attractive young woman with a very good voice who gave one of the best single woman singing acts we have had in a long time. As far as merit is concerned, it is a much better offering than we got from Nella Bergen. 10 min. in one.

Sandow & Lambert

Two men in an exhibition of a muscular development and feats of strength. A very good act for this position. Thoroughly qualified to open any show in the world. 10 min. F.S.