The spinning cyclist. The best trick rider we have ever known. Full stage.
Time 10. 3 men, 1 woman in picturesque costumes. In 1. They sing selections from Grand Opera and folk songs. Their selections are out of the ordinary and they avoid “Il Travatore” “Lucia” and the like. Each one sings well and the ensembles are effective.
2 women, 2 men. C.D.F. Presenting “Tony and The Stork”. The sketch portrays a study of Americanized Italian character and the scene is laid in maternity hospital. The situations are unique and range from broad comedy to a few really pathetic touches. Freeman is excellent and his support is fair. As a whole the act is refreshing in its originality.
Time 16. In 1. Big hit. Mr Carrillo’s Chinese stories and impersonations are still the big feature, although his animal imitations are good. He is closing with Italian dialect work which goes well.
Time 13. In 2 Garden. A real dancing oddity. The four enter in comedy costumes and do a great line of eccentric work. Many original steps and formations well worked out. The girls then do a graceful bit of work in dainty costumes. The four close with a gingery ensemble.
In 1. Time 15. Imitations of women stage celebrities and George E. Cohan. No change from last appearance, but the act went very well.
3 men. In 3 garden. Time 13. One comedy. Excellent hand to hand work and aerial dives to catches. Clever work throughout with much applause. Comedy fair.
Man and woman. Time 18. Open 2 spec. back drop, close in 1. A little new and unpolished. Woman, attractive young and graceful. Their eccentric dancing is excellent. Comedy and singing poor.
2 men. In 1. Both black face, one comedy. Time 9. Songs and comedy fair. Dancing very good.
Open in C.D.F., close in 1. Time 9. Man and woman. Pleasing acrobatic act. It closes with the man dancing a clog on his hands, a hit.