Eight Palace Girls

19 min. F.S. Girls sing well, and show hard training and wonderful precision in their dancing which gets a good hand. There are three changes of costume, all of them effective, and the girls are young and pretty. The eccentric dancing of James Clemons got an advance hand and was strongly applauded. As a straight girl act, without any trappings or scenic effects, it ranks with the best we have ever played.

Augusta Glose

15 min. in 1 ½. Miss Glose is a charming entertainer and a great favorite in Philadelphia. Each one of her character selections with various changes of costume got good applause. She will no doubt go even better with our evening audience. Is doing practically the same act as she did here in August. (At our request.)

Gordon-Eldrid Co.

“Won by a Leg”. 17 min., open in one cl. F.S. This is a lively sketch, and full of original situations. There is a good deal of funny “business” in the act, which own constant laughter from the crowd. Strong closing hand.


13 min. in three. The opening of this act did not particularly prejudice the audience in Thora’s favor, but the act improved as it went on and held the audience right up to a good finish with a surprise of the unmasking.

El Cota

17 min. in one. This man is better than ever, which is saying a great deal, as I think he stands quite alone in his line. His instrument is the most brilliant of any xylophones I have ever heard. He plays with dash and enthusiasm which gets the audience with every number. He was compelled to respond to two encores.

Mareena, Nevaro & Mareena

8 min. F.S. Well known on the circuit. Did many of their old tricks which are always a hit, and some that are new, the latter being immense and get big applause. Makes a good opener. Strong finish.

Belle Blanche

An impersonator of stage celebrities ranking high, the fidelity of voice and gesture to the originals being marked. In one.

Ralph C. Herz

His character studies and portrayals are of a very high order showing excellent method and acting. An artistic hit. Full stage. Usually works in one.

Barnes and Crawford

“The Fakir and the Lady”. Mr. Barnes is a most excellent comedian and kept the house in an uproar, full stage, closing in one.

Frank Wilson

A good comedy line of talk and clever songs combined to make this offering worth while. In one.