Sam Mahoney in the “Frozen North”

On at 2:47, 12 minutes full stage. This act had created a great amount of talk and excited a great deal of interest and this afternoon went as well as ever, although we should have had something more lively than the Barry act preceding it.

Mr & Mrs Jimmie Barry

On at 2:24, 23 minutes full stage. They played their own sketch, “Hensfoot Corners”, it was hardly lively enough for this spot although it went very well with a fairly good finish in 1.

Ryan & White

On at 2:16, 9 minutes in 1. These boys are about as clever as any dancers we have had in a long time and got a good hand all through to-day.

Hall Brothers

On at 2:03, 13 minutes full stage. This is a very good opening act, some of the feats of strength and hand balancing, especially the finish, getting applause.

Carrie De Mar

Sang four songs cleverly and artistically. Her changes of costume are pretty and striking. She is an artist, is appreciated here, cordially welcomed and loth for her finish but the disrobing lines in the “Nobody’s Satisfied” song are too broad for a Chase audience. In one.

Alcide Capitaine

A splendid gymnast whose trapeze work merited the applause given. Full stage.

Binns, Binns and Binns

Their first appearance here and the language used in some of the reviews “were a riot”. Their line of comedy and most excellent music made a strong appeal resulting in a decided hit. Full stage, closing in one.

George Austin Moore

His songs and stories were of a good, clean character and he held this position satisfactorily. In one.

Wentworth, Vesta and Teddy

Two acrobats who are all right, but the feature of the offering is an acrobatic dog, about the best we ever played. Full stage.

Long Acre Quartette

A very excellent singing four which scored a good solid success all the way through. They were compelled to respond after every number. 15 minutes, olio in 1.