Man and woman, a very nice appearing young couple, who do very some fine iron jaw work and acrobatic work. A very good act for this spot. 10 min. F.S.
“The Continental Waiter.” 13 min. F.S. This act is an improvement on the old one, the fun being fast and furious from the very first. The knock-about acrobatic comedy is really amusing and gets continued laughter. There is no end of foolish “business”, and a lot of it is absolutely new. The acrobatic work is exception. Makes a good closing act.
31 min. in one. Second appearance in this town. Advance hand. His work is clean and clever, and he got off some very good hits, particular those that he improvised on the acts which went before him. Really one of the cleverest men in the business. Held the spot in good shape. Closed strong after the march up the aisle with the singing manikin.
“Mrs. Peckham’s Carouse”. 27 min. F.S. One of the funniest sketches that we have ever played. Miss Irwin is well supported, and the act held the interest and got laughter throughout, making a good close.
19 min. in one. These boys have some good songs. The low baritone has an exceptionally fine voice. Their songs are new and good, and were very well received. The “Frog” song was a distinct hit.
23 min. F.S. Practically the same act as presented here before. Received considerable applause after each one of her spectacular stunts and close fair. We think she is deserving of a long vacation, as evidently she has played this house too often.
12 min. in one. Gave her usual imitations of Irene Franklin, Eddie Foy, Anna Held, Jack Horworth, etc. Her burlesque on “Smarty” got good applause. The close was only fair after her Tanguay imitation.
19 min. in F.S. Scene represents the interior of a piano store. Both artists are very clever entertainers of the parlor variety, and their line of chatter is good. Linton’s songs are full of ginger and tunefulness, and both of them sing well. Good applause after each selection. The finish of the act is quite unusual—a silhouette effect that wins good applause. Altogether a very pleasing act.
13 min. in one. This man opens with a burlesque song sheet ballad which gets fair applause. Follows with some old character stories and ends with some good wooden-shoe dancing.
16 min. F.S. Act opens very like Gillette’s canine pantomime with little house and saloon and character including the burlesque, the flirt, and the bum. This gets considerable applause and afterward Carlisle appears and calls out the pony which really is a very intelligent animal. Gets good applause for each one of his feats in mathematics and answering questions. The act closed well. This is a good feature for the children, especially for a holiday week.