Juggling Normans

8 minutes Full Stage. Best club juggling act we have yet played.


Mr. Saona arrived here Monday and immediately took charge of the theatre. He refused to open the show to close in one. Consequently he is not working here this week.

Smith & Campbell

In “Camping Out”. 18 minutes in one. Going very big. One of the best, if not the best, two men talking act in the business.

The Carlos

12 minutes, full stage. Novelty juggling and balancing act. The best act of the kind we have ever played. Their stage setting is elaborate, there is much class in the act, and they are a decided hit.

Otis Harlan & Co.

25 minutes, full stage, with a short close in one. This is an awful act. They get some laughs but from the standpoint of a headliner, impossible.

The Sleedes

12 minutes—full stage. Black art pantomimists. Comedy. A decided hit—getting many real laughs.

Harlan Knight & Co.

25 minutes, full stage. Rural comedy—“The Chalk Line”. Badly acted, talky and uninteresting.

Otis Harlan and Co.

“An Accommodating Stranger”. His support consists of two men and two women who take their parts well. There are two old chaps who are brothers, the wife of one a suffragette, and a young lady going to a masked ball. The wife detects the two two [sic] old fellows trying to escape her and go to the ball. They explain that they are looking for a nobleman, a guest about to arrive and in their desperation pick up Harlan who agrees to impersonate the latter. Plenty of fun and good songs go to make up an act that fits Harlan nicely. Full stage.

“Chalk” Saunders

A clever artist who always fill positions two or three very nicely but this place is a little too stiff for him. In one.