Edwards Davis and Co.

“The Picture of Vanity”. The lines, while intensely dramatic occasionally sparkles with comedy and are punctuated with hearty applause. Mr. Davis is the best legitimate actor having appeared on our stage and has splendid support in Mr. Dax and Miss Cage. The special scenery, the entire production, is magnificent and Belasco could not improve either it or the cast. For $1,000, for $1,500, not even $2,000 has anything been sent us from the U.E.O as good as this act at $500.

Hibbert and Warren

They seemed to have forgotten this popular team and today the eccentric dance of one them was the same hit as ever. In one.

The 4 English Rosebuds

Good, hard working, novelty acrobatic dancers and the audience liked them, so did we. Full stage.

Hugh Lloyd

F.S. Garden. Woman assistant. Time 10. Little short of miraculous. His straight work on the bounding rope is exceptional in that he uses no balancing pole. When he begins turning somersaults on the rope while playing a violin, he is a knockout. A truly great act.

Jack Wilson

Assisted by Ada Lane and Franklin Batie. In 1. Time 28. Wilson is far advanced over last year as a comedian. The audience screamed throughout.

Berg’s Merry Girls (Lustige Weiber)

F.S. Palace. Time 9. 6 attractive girls. They appear in three conceptions. Acrobatic and novelty dancing. The act is bright and fast and deserved more applause than it received. They sing entirely in German.  

Great Lester

Time 5. Ventriloquist. In 1. Comes down to audience at finish. The best ever seen here. A huge hit. He works away from Reynard in every point. His comedy is high class.

Rayno’s Bull Dogs

F.S. Garden. Time 19. An act built up on the characteristics of bull dogs. Very funny and original throughout. The “football” finish is a scream and won tremendous applause.

Exposition Four

Open C.D.F. Close in 1. Time 17. High class instrumentalists. They play xylophones, cornet, trombones and organ chimes. Very stylish and effective minstrel finish with fancy dance. Some instrumental imitations, good.

M’lle Chester & Statue Dog

Special gilt frame F.S. plush curtain. Time 9. Very attractive hunting poses. A big hit with applause after every pose.