Brown & Ayer

25 Minutes in 1. Pianologue, songs etc. splendid values here. They are trying to do too much, but think quicken up tonight. It is draggy in places.

Beatrice Ingram & Co.

20 Minutes, Full stage. A good sketch well played, which contains many laughs and some pathos, which is not overdone and just balances the theme nicely. “The Duchess”.

Warren & Blanchard

20 minutes in 1. Getting by all right in this spot. Talking comedians.

Piano Four

15 Minutes, Full Stage. A poor steal from Philadelphia. It will not do. Musical act.


Own set. 10 minutes. On account of the storm and lateness in setting this act we had to cut some of the water tricks of Odiva but the act went big.


Cyclist. Garden in 3. 10 minutes. For the money a good act.

Billy B. Van & Beaumont Sisters

These people held the audience exceptionally well, getting lots of laughter throughout the act. I can’t quite see the value in the act for the money they are receiving, but considering Van’s reputation, we are not being as badly stuck as with many other high priced acts. 27 Min. Open F.S. Close in One.

Howard & North

In “Those Were Happy Days”. Same big success as ever. 18 Min. in One.

Amy Ricard & Lester Lonergan

In a dainty dramatic comedy sketch, most aptly termed, “An Idyl of Ireland”. Very prettily mounted and exceptionally well played by both the principals. An act that could be made a headliner in any house in the world. 22 Min. F.S.