A man and woman is a singing a [sic] dancing act. The act opens with Lynch’s burlesque illustrated songs which somehow never seem to go as well as they ought to. The idea is very clever and the assumed seriousness with which he treats it should, in the natural order of things, I think, appeal to the audience, but while they evidently appreciate it, he somehow fails to reach them properly. It will undoubtedly go better in the evening. Incidentally he favors us with some dancing that is pretty nearly as artistic as John Ford’s. 17 min, open in one, going to full stage, and then closing in one.
A man and woman in a rather pretty singing act. They open with a pleasing little duet, after which the woman does a few steps of fancy dancing. Then the man sings a solo which went very big here this afternoon, and they close with more duet singing in which they make a display of some pretty elegant wardrobe. In fact, the woman showed about the most stunning gown that I have seen on our stage. It is a good small act. 14 min in one.
A man and woman in a singing and dancing act. Like all of the acts of this kind, the dancing that they do seem to have a bad effect on their voice, and so far as their singing in concerned, neither of them could hardly expect to fill a very strong position in grand opera, but they are both clever dancer, good dressers, and there is considerable life to the act, so that figuring from a three-show-a-day basis it is thoroughly all right. 13 min, in one if necessary.
Own set in 3, 24 minutes. Man & woman in an eccentric sketch with no plot or reason therefore, based on the Bowery life. While it does not seem possible to excuse the writing of such a sketch, it need only be said that they received no small reception on their appearance here to-day, and were able to arouse laughter which was almost continuous throughout the sketch and carried them off to very good applause. While the act is somewhat coarse and not up to what we generally expect of people in this position, viewed from the view-point of the amusement maker, they got by very strongly. Crimmins does some German dialect work very well, but the lady amounts to nothing except as to her elongated and slender figure, which fits very well into the part. They took Howard & Bland’s place to-day, that pair not showing up. 2 shows.
Wood in 4, 14 min, Introduces a number of bears and monkeys. The act certainly has not improved of late, and appeared to-day as if none of the animals were trained and schooled to their work. They can hardly hold down this position at the close of the bill and closed only to fair applause.
Drop in one, 17 min. Glenroy received a slight reception, really the first reception of the day and he comes out in a makeup different from what he has previously shown. Good impression at first made by him was carried well through to the end. Glenroy, fortunately has an entire new line of stuff, and also fortunately has cut out epitaphs, introducing many familiar names in this town. His act gained much laughter and enabled him to close to very good applause. 2 shows.
This pair, O’Rourke & Burnette are known all over the circuit by the clever dancing they have done for many years. While they are not singers they earned good applause in this line by the introduction of their male off-spring, a boy of ten or twelve years of age, the possessor of a good, strong singing voice, which immediately stamped their act as very good in the opinion of to-days audience. Their dancing thereafter was better received and closing with some clever dancing by the boy, the trio made their exit to almost tremendous applause, earning at least two recalls, and it is safe to say that no act on the bill to-day was more heartily applauded. This addition of the boy, improves the value of the act 50%, if not more. 3 shows.
Garden in 4, 11 min. One straight, the other eccentric makeup. Pair do some clever acrobatic work. Some of their tumbling and jumping being of he kind that easily approved. Reno, who plays the comedy part, has an excellent idea of the comedy points what would land but his idea of the proper way to land them is a little bit hazy. However, to-day they gained applause throughout the whole of the act placed in this position for many weeks past. If they are new to this work and with this act, any improvement they can work in at all will make it a strong act, well worth booking. 3 shows.
Drop in one. 13 min. Two local young people, boy and girl, 12 and 14 years of age, neat appearance and well dressed. Their previous experiences in amateur entertainments about town added no value, they being very nervous for a good part of the act. Neither of them can sing to any extent but their dancing carried them through nicely and they earned good applause after each of their songs and very fair applause at close. Are rather weak at this point and can get by here. 3 shows.
Just the same Daly that he was ever was, clever, eccentric and possessed of an individuality all his own. Our audiences, which are of very superior grade intelligence and largely old-time theatre goers, applauded his to the echo and curtain calls so numerous that he is compelled to deliver a speech at every performance. Fine act for Washington. Full stage.