(27 mins.) Travesty of the broadest kind and got a lot of laughs. Along the same style that this team has been doing and gives them a new vehicle that is as good as any of their previous ones.
(21 mins.) A clever bit of travesty, well played, by two persons. The dialogue is bright and got plenty of laughs. Both introduce song numbers and the whole offering got over in excellent shape.
(21 mins.) First appearance of this couple in several years and they were warmly received. Their act consists of travesty bits and songs, getting plenty of laughs and finishing to a very good hand.
“Travesty” C.D.F This act did not get over very good, seemed to be over the heads fo the audience this afternoon, the act went the poorest of anything on the bill.
Man and woman in singing and travesty act. Very good act for this spot, the women being particular clever. 16 Min. in One.
6 men. Time 22. F.S. special jail interior. A very clever travesty about the easy times enjoyed in jail buy rich prisoners. Many very bright and original lines which won quick applause. Novel, entertaining and well acted.
“When Caesar C’s Her”. A good travesty and well played. Full stage.
Assisted by Richard Anderson, in their laughable travesty, “When Caesar C’s Her”. The act went big all the way through and the work individual and collectively was decidedly above par. Genuine laughter and plenty of fun throughout. 19 minutes, special set in 4.
(30 mins.) Repeated very well in their travesty bits, which they get a lot out of, through clever handling.
In his usual act which made a big hit and which was followed by the travesty by him and several members of the company. His act alone 12 minutes. Travesty 10 minutes, all in one.