Virginia Sargent
Holden and Salisbury’s Troubadours
Hester Magee
Her voice has the sympathetic quality in an unusual degree, and she has wisely chosen a number of the familiar, simple ballads. Her tones in the lower register are delightfully true and mellow, and her final number, “Home, Sweet Home,” scored an enthusiastic reception.
The Sidewalks of New York – Morning and Evening
Mr. Lawlor and his daughters make their first appearance in “one” in straight street dress. This part of their offering occupies but a minute or two, but it makes a poor forerunner for the excellent material that follows.
Eva Tanguay
She has a pretty new dress for the first selection, and a peculiar waist effect, worn with the white tights, for the finale.
Sue Smith
Berner and Stella
The girl dresses prettily and is a vivacious soubrette.
In the Latin Quarter
“In the Latin Quarter” at the Fifty-eighth Street house this week, the scene is in Susette’s apartments among the studio buildings in the famed portion of the Parisian capital. Susette is a model for the artists, and she saved up a whole lot of money from her labors in that direction apparently, for the “apartment” is nicely furnished, even for a vaudeville theatre.