Tyson Brown and Company

Man and woman dancing act with some line reading. The company includes a man as a Dutch farmhand, two chickens, and four pigs.

John and Mae Burke- “Some Laughs”

John and Mae Burke act as a “foolish looking messenger boy” and a “heroic suffragette soldier” respectively. The backdrop is the headquarters of a suffragette armoury. As the suffragette, Mae wears tights and a feather hat. She changes costume frequently. The act was seventeen minutes long.

Commencement Day

Miss Snyder makes two changes of costume before locating her relative. In the first, after her entrance, she is a boy ; the second the stunning girl once more.

Jesse L. Lasky’s “A Night on a House Boat”

The light effects were not smoothly handled on Monday evening, although the whole lighting up of the boat at the finale made it prettily effective. A searchlight on the upper deck, trained upon the audience and boat during one selection, is a neat idea.

Captain Rufus

There are just two persons in “Captain Rufus.” One is Harrison Stewart, and he is the “reason.” Mr. Stewart is ably assisted in the comedy department by Mat Marshall, but other than these two the cast is nil as to comedians.

Klaw & Erlanger’s “College Days”

Overhead is strung a line of college flags, but nowhere in the proceedings does the usually indispensable American emblem appear. If “College Days” has been a costly production, the expensiveness is not visible. The setting is not elaborate nor the costumes above the average.