Alfred Naess

(6 mins.) Their skating on ice is a very good summer, novelty, well staged and made a very acceptable closing act.

Alfred Naess

(6 mins.) Their skating on ice is a very good summer, novelty, well staged and made a very acceptable closing act.

El Rey Sisters

8 min. FS. These two roller skating girls made a nice closing act.

LcLallen & Carson

(20 mins.) – A very good comedy skating turn by a man and woman. The man is an excellent skater and helps his act with a lot of comedy chatter which he handles for a lot of laughs. Closed to a good hand.

McClellan & Carson

20 min. in 1 & 4. Roller skating act with the man doing a great line of chatter, got lots of laughs and closed to a big hand.

Anderson & Yvel

7 min. F.S. Boy and girl in a neat roller skating act, made a good opener.

Reynolds Donegan Co.

(11 mins.) The showiest skating act in vaudeville containing the most variety and the best executed routine of tricks we have yet seen. Held the audience seated throughout the closing position of the show and finished very strong.

Reynolds & Donegan

13 min. F.S. Spec. An elaborate roller skating act nicely staged, and held the audience very well closing.