(13 mins.) A good novelty that repeated very well.
Man and woman with a very novel idea and although the act must be rated as good, the idea has not by any means been developed to its fullest extent. A great deal of the dialogue being of rather ancient vintage. A good writer and two particularly clever people could have made this a real big thing, however, it is good. 15 min. full stage.
(8 mins.) A very good novelty and made a very good opening number. Closed to a good hand.
Well known Australian bushwhip expert who has the only real novelty on the bill, and in the only one that really means anything of a drawing nature, other than possibly Will Ward. Very good act. 13 min. full stage.
24 min 1 and full stage Spec. A novelty comedy act that seemed to please and closed to a good hand.
In a Western Novelty. Act consists of Equilibristic Feats and Roping. Makes-up as cowboy. This act went rather weak. Very light hand at finish. 8 min. full.
A pretty novelty that did very nicely in the opening. (9 mins.)
(23 mins.) A splendid novelty staged in oriental style and a big applause hit. A lot of original stuff in addition to some ordinary juggling and acrobatics. Build up a great finish and closed very big.
This is quite a novelty, but after the first few minutes, the thing palls a bit and grows monotonous. Not what I would call a good act for vaudeville. 12 min. full stage.
In “Songs and Fun.” Man and woman in the singing and talking and novelty musical act. Play small organ harmonica. 10 min. in one; went good.