Little Billy

In 1. Time 13. Little Billy does two songs, an inebriate “swell” and a Scotch kiltie. He gets by in good shape with these. The big part of his success, however, is due to his very clever dancing with which he finished in two numbers. I believe he will bring the business in before the week is over in good shape.

Little Billy

12 min. in one. We billed “Little Billy” pretty strong but he is living up to his paper. His character songs went very well, but his eccentric dancing got the house in great shape. Think he will be a good box office attraction, particularly with the woman and children.

Little Billy

Midget comedian, singer and dancer. This little fellow is exceedingly clever and made the biggest kind of hit with today’s audience. Sufficiently good to be headlined anywhere, particularly because of the novelty of such a little fellow doing such clever work. 14 Min. in One.

Little Billy

On at 3:10, 13 minutes in 1. We have been plugging this little fellow for the last couple of weeks and aroused considerable interest in him. The result was a warm reception when he made his appearance this afternoon and what is more to the point, he made good from the very start. He got his first song, a tipsy well, over in great shape with laughs all though. His Scotch song, although not so strong, was very acceptable, and he had no trouble in getting back for his eccentric dancing, which made a decided hit. We are very well satisfied with Billy, as a headline feature for the holiday season.

Princess Sucenne

In 3 garden. Time 8. Midget who sings and does a few simple tricks on the tight wire. She wins a little applause rather because of her tininess than the excellence of her work. The act might get by as an opener for a small time.

Queen Mab & Casper Weiss

Went well. Lilliputians in songs with changes of costume. Well dressed. Man is something of a comedian and the woman is quite a singer for a midget. Act closes with a dance. In one. Time 12 minutes.

Buster Keaton

GNH 2. With Myra and Joe Keaton, “Buster” of course, being the main feature of the act. He is undoubtedly one of the best midget comedians in vaudeville. He has an excellent idea of comedy and the act is really a big hit. Full stage, 23 mins. close in one, 2 shows.

Capt. Geo. Auger & Midgets:

Company consists of Auger, two women and two midgets presenting a variety of stunts entitled “Jack the Giant Killer.”  Auger is a very tall, well proportioned man, and the midgets are very small, the contrast in size being so very marked as to almost make an act in itself- a novelty act.  While this act does not run altogether smooth it is the kind of an act that will greatly interest the children, and so will create a great deal of talk in the homes.  23 min. FS.

Piccolo Midgets

15 minutes, opening in one 3 minutes, closing full stage, wood. This is undoubtedly the best midget act in the business, introducing wrestling at the matinees, boxing at the night performances, heavy weight lifting, trapeze performance and travesty on the Salvation Army. The act is an enormous hit with the patrons, especially this week since we are playing to so many children.