Royal Colibris Lilliputians

Time 8. C.D.F. 3 midgets. Do original acrobatic work and balancing. Great work meriting better applause than they received.

Ergotti & Lilliputians

This well known act made a fine opener, gaining attention at the very beginning, winning applause all the way through and finishing strong. 10 minutes, palace in 4.

Ergotti & Lilliputians

11 min. F.S. This is a mighty pretty act and makes an excellent closer. The two Lilliputians make a cute appearance that especially appeals to the children, and their work is nothing short of extraordinary. The act moves swift and brilliantly up to a big finish with the whirling pole supported on the man’s feet. This got very strong applause.

De Koe Troupe

Six people, in which there are three midgets, doing some great juggling, in some of which they throw one of the midgets around in a manner that is startling. Made a great closing act and went very big. 8 min. full stage.

Royal Colibris

10 minutes f.s. Three midgets that do some very clever acrobatic work with comedy. Made a very good opener.

Singer’s Midgets

An act, two well known for comment, that pleased in every particular. 44 minutes full stage.

Dancing McDonalds

Good lively act by a pair of little people who held the spot in a most satisfactory manner. 8 min. full stage.

“Little Billy”

This little comedian has some very clever songs and is a good eccentric dancer. Held this spot in splendid shape. In one.

Little Billy

Vaudeville’s Tiniest Headliner, and he proved to be a decided hit. All of his work went big and seemed to more than please. 12 minutes, olio in 1.

Little Billy

Diminutive comedian. 18 minutes in 1. A great little artist who scored a big hit. A big favorite here already.