Selma Braatz
Simple, well handled work with
small spheres, billiard cues and like apparatus
makes an interesting routine, aided
by the girl’s pretty appearance and the
illuminated torches on a dark stage furnishes
a striking finale.
Five Satsudas
Five Satsudas
Chun & Craig
Five Palmers
The Three Beatties
The Three Beatties run
through the routine of club throwing
with no misses. .Nothing new is shown.
The Nichol-Nelson Troupe
Hoop throwing and diabolo spinning and tricks.
Fielding; the Juggler
Prince Runton and Co.
“A nice appearing young man attired in a military uniform does a juggling routine with very few stops for a long breath. He’s assisted by a young woman who works fast and attends strictly to her business of handing him the different articles.”