
Did most of his juggling with rubber balls bouncing off a billard table. Most of his act is a derivation of other juggling acts.

Sisters Celesse

One of them dresses a boy, the other in a shabby girls dress apropriate for a six year old. The girl comes out trundling a doll’s perambula and is the real worker of the show, with the other sister throwing things to her. Juggled oranges, plates, bottles and parasols.

Paul Cinquevalo

No new tricks. An artist with his fingertips. lighter and more graceful style

Tom Hern

First rate comedy effects. Handicapped by working alone

Paul Cinquevalli

juggler – absent about 4 years. His juggling with biliard balls is common, but he introduced it. Spadoni and Conchas use cannon balls. “No one approaches Cinquevalli. His confidence is sublime.” He drops a billiard cue over the orchestra, catches it with two other cues and allows a cannon ball to accidentally slip towards the orchestra. In doing these things “he takes a chance on over-confidence, with a possible accidental result” He holds up a chair with his teeth while his assistant is sitting in it.