Griff has a method that is all his own.
The act is built along travesty lines,
Griff doing a series of burlesque feats. It
is his delightful patter that really makes
the act. For subtlety, keeness and swift
humor the Englishman stands well toward
the top of the list of imported
Mr. Fields is a “dumb act” because he does
not speak during his comedy juggling turn.
Why Mr. Fields does not speak is quite
simple. His comedy speaks for him. Nothing
could speak louder for the man or
act. There is no juggler who secures as
much humor out of the rubber balls as
Fields, who is a comedy juggler with a
little something new each time around.
Juggling and acrobatic.
Cannonball juggling.
The man does all the juggling.
He works in eccentric make-up.
They did a combination of juggling and ball bounding stunts.