16 minutes, full stage, wood, own drop. Two very clever and amusing jugglers who get much laughter and applause for their comedy and expert juggling. Their finish is strong. The act went well and made a big hit.
Europe’s foremost juggler. Some very good juggling in fact the best we have ever had. Went big. 17 min. full stage.
14 min. full stage. A great little artist, working extremely fast and precise and going better than ever.
Club maniacs. Four men in a fast club juggling act. Not in the class with the Mowatts or even the Juggling Bannons, but a most acceptable offering nevertheless and can open a big show or close a small one in good shape. The men look well, attired in white sweaters, trimmed with blue, and dark trousers. They have several new stunts that I have never seen before and act is one that should satisfy all managers. Garden in 4. Time 8 min.
11 min. open in two, close in one. One man works straight, the other eccentric. Do the regulation club stunts and many that are quite new. Received considerable applause. All right as an opener. The comedy is a little shy, but the close in one with the dancing and club-swinging at the same time, merits a good hand. Closed well.
F.S. Spadoni shortened his act owing to the great length of this bill. He is clever as ever and injects good comedy into his work. He carries a man assistant.
Roman battle axe throwers and jugglers, a novel variation of the old club throwing idea. In 3 special back drop. Well received.