19 min. – Palace in 4 – Man and woman, in a dancing act. It is in a class by itself. We have nothing like it in this country from which to draw comparison. New, graceful, well dressed, and –a novelty. The woman is petite and dainty; man is a good comedian. Made a hit with their windup.
2 shows, 12 min. full stage – Billed as “Vionna caricature dancers”, and easily one of the best acts of the kind we have had here for a long time. It bears no more comparison to such turns as DeForests than day does to night, for these foreigners are gracefulness personified, while those who seek to imitate them in this country are the reverse of that. This sort of act would go here for two weeks easily if I were able to hold it over.
NH 3 – A man and woman in the whirl wind dance act. The woman being a brother of De Forest who does the same sort of a turn. It is really quite a clever act and the finish in which he introduced Svengali’s doll is about as good as anything of the sort that I have ever seen—barring a tendency of the woman to move one in a while after assuming an awkward position. 12 minutes, full stage.
This is about the liveliest dancing act that I have played. While the price I am paying them is somewhat excessively I consider it a splendid vaudeville act. They are going very strong, 12 minutes in F.S. close 2 min. in one if necessary.
17 minutes f.s. This feature is proving one of the biggest we have ever had at the house. Records for the house since the two-a-day began were broken last week and there is a big advance on for this week. Completely sold out this afternoon with standing. The act is working much better at every performance and the light effects are making a strong impression, although the feature that draws the crowd is probably the barefooted dancers.
12 minutes in fancy. Man a good dancer. Woman excess.
Open well with an automobile followed by conversation which is only fair. Their close may be counted the best part of the act which is bag pipes and dancing. This latter is very good and sent them off with a very good hand.
On at 1:48, 15 minutes full stage. This novelty and dancing act opened the bill in very good shape this afternoon and held the interest, Almond’s dancing being considerable of a novelty.
This fellow is of the old team of Howe and Doyle, who will be remembered as about the cleverest dancers in the business a few years ago. He proved a genuine surprise this afternoon as I have no idea that he would be able to do much with a monologue, but he certainly got away with it all right. Or course, the material that he tells is all old, but the audience took him all right, and his dance is, as it always was, very strong. The only trouble was with him that he did too much, but this will be rectified tonight. 20 minutes in one.
This is little Wesley who used to be with Munroe, and a woman who works with him. The act is not in especially good shape yet, and they were also palpably nervous, as I believe this is the second time they have ever done it. I have an idea that it can be whipped into shape so that it will make a fair three-show-a-day act for the present, for he is a pretty good dancer, but it will never be anything more than a fair act. 13 minutes, open full stage, and closing with short encore in one.