Loie Fuller’s Ballet of Light

All that has been said by Boston in praise of this act goes for here. As beautiful a thing as we ever had on our stage, and, while I had kinds of circus getting it and no one in charge of the act seems to be able to explain what they want and no help is given in an advertising way, still, after a lot of hard work, Sunday night rehearsal, et cetera, we managed to get it on and gave splendid satisfaction and will no doubt draw us a big week’s business. 23 Min. F.S. For the act proper, with a three minute wait before and after.

Countess de Pierrefeu and Loie Fuller’s Ballet of Light

Countess de Pierrefeu is a local woman who made a hit in Boston society amateur shows years ago and is well known. She gave a performance of symbolic dances at one of the halls here a few weeks ago and made a favorable impression. We have taken 3 of her dances, the Blue Danube, the dagger dance, and the wind dance, and sandwiched them in with the Ballet of Light. The first 2 are done with handsome draperies and light effects and they went very big. The 3rd dance was done as a finish for the Ballet of Light with storm affects and made a very strong close. It is hardly fair to discuss the countess as a vaudeville proposition at this time, as we have taken advantage of her dances in connection with the ballet, but the present craze for barefoot dancing and the opportunities given for press work in connection with a title, and the fact that the Tudor family is known all over the country, should make her a consideration if she goes into it with the proper surroundings for a single act. With the ballet of light she will certainly draw business for us this week and if argument can be made we may continue both the Countess and the ballet for a fifth week.

Grigolati’s Ballet

A very beautiful act which was received with marked expressions of approval and I think will draw some money. 14 Min. F.S.

Ryan & White

2 young men. Time 7. One of the best pair of dancers seen here in some time. Won generous applause throughout.

Evans and Lee

9 minutes in 1. Two hard working boys who are good dancers, and hold this spot in good shape.

Loie Fuller’s Ballet of Light

Third week. 17 minutes f.s. Still doing business. We have sold out at every performance since the ballet was put on and stood up more people than we have since the introduction of the two-a-day. This afternoon was no exception to the rule and solo for to-night is as large as ever. The act is working better all the time and has become town talk.

McDevitt & Kelly

12 minutes in 1. Two splendid dancers. Good enough to hold number three or four spot on any bill.